
Golf News

Golf News

Golfer’s A-B-C
It is with great pleasure that the Norwegian magazine can present specialist in golf injuries, Rolf Martinsen, as writer of articles on the prevention of just golf injuries that over half of the golfers over age 50 suffer from. Rolf is also authorized Teitleist instructor.

The problems for golfers due to:
1. Poor physical fitness
2. Overload
3. Inadequate heating
4. Poor swing technique

We have in this number chosen to focus on swing technique. It all essential for a golfer to swing properly.
The correct sequence of your game that is right movement of the pelvis, torso, arms and iron are the alpha and omega. The movement, the force numbered, can be compared to a 4-stage rocket where 1st stage leading on to the 2nd stage, etc. This way you get the most power in the battle with the least effort.
If you have physical problems that limit your movement or strength, balance and coordination, you will automatically try to compensate this. It results in an uneven result and a big risk of overloading with pain and injuries.
Teitleist has produced a program called Screening. There is a schematic test of body motion, strength, balance, etc. providing answers to the problems you have with your sving’en.

There are 12 common swing faults that 65% of all amateur golfers. Let’s look at the solution of these problems so you come release injuries.
Good movement, but also good stability is required, so there is good advice for this.
Pretend to turn a seven is rolled iron, so you can find the neutral position of the pelvis. Try turning without next seven iron, but with his arms crossed over his chest. You must now try to tilt your pelvis back and forth. It is often difficult to get the muscles to do this because their backs are often stiff. When you do this, it will feel easier in one direction over the other. Upper body must be kept quiet, just pelvis to move.
Next test is pelvic rotation in the same sjujerns position. You need only rotate the pelvis without movement of the shoulders.
Next test is the rotation of the upper body and pelvis must remain stationary. It is a good idea if you have help from a person who can keep the pelvis still. – Why is it difficult? – A very big problem with players over 50 years is what is called “lower crossed syndrome ‘This means that the muscles in the hips and back are short and tight. When it is, they are too weak. Therefore it is necessary to strengthen and train the short muscles.